
PlayStation Espaa has confirmed the release of these new official offices from PS5 to ours not: through the launch of the Midnight Black and Cosmic Red models, the black and red covers that are being sold are on sale for now, now it’s easy Nova Pink, Starlight Blue and Galactic Purple, pink, blue and white stripes that are available at residential sale points. Su preci vara segn el distribuidor, pero oscilla entre los 54.99 y los 59.99.

Podis ver las nuasas cubiertas en detalle en un vdeo inserted bajo estas lneas.

Easily interchangeable game with DualSense

“The new covers of his console easily interchangeable and can be purchased for the PS5 Blu-ray Disc Ultra HD as well as for the PS5 digital edition “, the official description of these new accessories from the new Sony’s console console in a press release that we also have recuerdan que los DualSense con la misma gama cromtica llevan ya un tiempo available in our step. All these are complementary to the galactic aesthetics that make up the first collection of PS5 covers and peripherals.

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