
QQ Video has always been hailed as one of Tencent’s conscience products, but this conscience product seems to be coming to an end. Some users have found that the official website of Tencent QQ Video shows that the PC, Mac, Android, and iOS versions of the software are no longer available for download, and the status is “stay tuned”. Although it can still be downloaded in the App Store to QQ Video for normal use, Official information seems to have indicated that the product life of QQ Video and Video is coming to an end. In fact, the days of players have not been easy in recent years. Baofengyingyin, the former big brother of the player and national-level software Baofengyingyin, has already withdrawn from the front line after delisting at a loss and the actual controller being included in the execution list. On mobile platforms, decoding fetishes like MX players are no longer as popular as they were a few years ago. It seems that there are not many business opportunities left for local players. Clearly, video players have become a sunset product. Do people really need video players anymore? Why have video players been left out so far? Let’s talk about related topics today. Why was the video player just needed? The reason why the video player was once a must for installation on computers and mobile phones.
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