
Liang Tang recently arrived in Korea to promote “Top Gun 2”. The film is scheduled to have its premiere on the 19th at the Lotte World Tower Plaza, and will be officially released on the 22nd. “Top Gun 2” has earned $806.3 million at the global box office, surpassing “Mission: Impossible 6: Total Disintegration” (791 million) released in 2018 to become Liangtang’s career-highest-grossing film. For the first time in his life, Liang Tang, 59, has come this close to the billion-dollar club, critics say. Analysts familiar with box-office data believe that Top Gun 2 will surpass the $900 million global box office mark. If the film can be released in mainland China and Russia, it will be a foregone conclusion that it will earn $1 billion at the box office. According to industry insiders, Liangtang currently has 55 million US dollars of box office share in the account-in addition to the fixed salary, stars generally sign box office sharing contracts. Those with smaller coffee spots can only take it from the profit, and the film won’t make any money if it doesn’t make money; the big names like Liangtang will take it directly from the early box office—the theater part will be cut out and the profit will not be calculated, and the money will be distributed directly, no matter what. This film makes money or not, as long as there is a box office receipt, you can get money. It is said that 10 .
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