
If you are thinking about buying a SLR camera, then it is better to choose a used model instead of spending money on a new one. This is especially true if you are a beginner photographer and are considering which first camera to buy, or if you are an amateur looking to replace your first camera. The truth is that a new camera has a number of tangible advantages over a used one, but for the most part, they only matter to the most advanced photographers.

In our opinion, choosing between a used and new camera is one of the most important decisions you can make in your career. Is it profitable to buy a used DSLR? Undoubtedly. And that’s why.

SLR cameras have an unrealistically long service life

When it comes to electronic devices, there is a prejudice that “used” is synonymous with the phrase: “lower quality, unreliable or short lived.” In general, this may be true, because many electronic components tend to fail quickly, but this is not the case with modern devices. In fact, most cameras are so reliable that their life is not measured in time. Instead, it is measured by the number of gates. If the camera is not touched and simply put away in a box, its life is likely to be infinite, limited only by the presence of a properly functioning, charged battery.

The shutter count is the total number of shots taken by the device. If you have taken 1000 photos, the number of shutters will also be 1000.

Basic rule for the number of shutters:

  • Entry-level SLR cameras can withstand at least 50,000 shots under normal conditions.
  • Mid-range DSLRs are usually enough for 100,000 shots.
  • Professional high-level cameras can shoot from 200,000 frames.

Let’s say you take ten photos every day for the rest of your life. It will turn out 3650 frames per year. So even if you are using a mid-range model, you can expect the device to last more than 13 years. For professional specimens, the expected lifespan will be approximately 55 years.

What is the moral? There is nothing wrong with buying used gadgets. Most likely, nothing bad will happen to them for a very long time. There are many tools for checking the number of shutters on a used camera for sale that will give you a rough estimate of the remaining life. Of course, these tools are not always very accurate, but they are still good for checking.

The cost savings will be phenomenal

While digital cameras have a long lifespan, the value of a used camera tends to depreciate quickly. As you know, leading brands release new models at least once a year. As a result, the cost of older models is rapidly falling. If you buy a used latest camera model instead of a new one, you can save a lot. And if you buy an old model, and even a used one, it will be even cheaper.

Let’s look at an example by comparing the prices of a new and a used version of the same model. Buying a new one will cost about 369 thousand rubles, which may seem outrageous. However, you can find the same carcass for about 318 thousand rubles. The price is still high, but this beauty is really top-notch and fairly new.

Mirrorless camera trend

A couple of years ago, DSLRs dominated, but now mirrorless cameras are popular because of their lightness, silent shutter, faster focusing speed. Leading manufacturers are suspending the production of SLR cameras, focusing on mirrorless.

If you are a beginner just starting out, your best bet is to buy a used DSLR rather than spend money on a new one. Better yet, invest in a mirrorless camera, because they are the future.

The best models are not worth the money

Are there any pitfalls in buying used devices? If we are talking about only one or two generations, then there are very few, if any, cons. In fact, beginners and amateurs should not even bother with the latest models of any line. The functions of cameras become obsolete slowly. We can illustrate this by comparing three cameras: two used and one new. The difference in the price of two used ones will average 45 thousand rubles. But the new model offers little more than an extended ISO range, improved burst speeds of up to six photos, and one extra megapixel of resolution.

You should only purchase a newer model if it has a certain feature that you absolutely cannot live without, such as a full size sensor. Otherwise, something older will work just as well. Both of these cameras are equipped with a full-frame sensor. Older cameras are also likely to have used versions, which will be cheaper than newer generation used cameras.

Cosmetic defects do not matter

One thing that confuses people when it comes to used gadgets is cosmetic defects. When you buy a new device, there are guarantees that it is new, clean and unmarked. On the contrary, when buying used cameras, you can only hope for a chance.

We strongly recommend that you take a good look at the camera you are purchasing, if possible. However, here’s the thing: scratches and marks don’t affect the performance of the camera body and the end result of your photos. The discomfort of a cosmetic defect is purely psychological. That being said, there are a few defects that you should be aware of when buying a used DSLR.

For example, scratches on the case are normal, but scratches on the sensor can drastically affect your photos. For the same reason, avoid samples with fungus, mold anywhere on or inside the case. Sticky buttons may indicate the presence of residue under the surface, which interferes with proper operation. You should also pay attention to the presence of corrosion of the connecting ports, and whether the lens mount is loose.

Anything else?

If possible, buy the camera in person to check for these problems. If that’s not possible, you can still buy online from reputable, verified places based on reviews.

A few warnings and cautions

Hopefully it’s now clear that buying used DSLRs is often the smarter way to go. However, while we believe that buying a used camera is usually the best solution, there are a few scenarios where you should think twice:

When buying a new camera, there is usually a 30-day return policy, but hand sales are often final. This means that you generally can’t return a used DSLR for whatever reason, which can be risky if you’re not too savvy in the field.

Shutter counters are not always accurate. Some brands are more honest about scoring than others, and in some cases you’ll have to hope to rule out program accuracy. While the number of shutters can theoretically tell you a lot about the remaining life of a used camera, take them with a grain of salt.

New cameras can sometimes be cheaper. You can usually find seasonal promo codes and coupons from manufacturers if you spend some time looking. Monitor online stores, sooner or later you may come across a profitable deal that is impossible to refuse.

Is buying a used camera a good idea?

In our opinion, the answer is a resounding “Yes”. After all, the perfect photograph comes from the heart of the artist. As long as you have any working camera, there are no barriers between you and your masterpieces.

According to materials: www.makeuseof.com.

The post Why you should not buy a new SLR camera, but rather choose a used one? appeared first on Gamingsym.