
The developers at Techland are currently working on the first extensive DLC for the horror action title “Dying Light 2”. In the data of the new update, dataminers came across a hint that the first DLC could come up with a gladiator setting.

As the developers at Techland announced before the official release of the horror action title, “Dying Light 2” will be supported with new content for a period of at least five years.

Techland is currently working on, among other things, the first extensive DLC for “Dying Light 2”, about which various rumors have reached us in recent weeks. According to current reports, the first DLC could come up with a gladiator setting. Dataminer claim to have found the relevant information in the source code of the current update of “Dying Light 2”.

Various content and data were discovered here that could indicate a gladiator DLC.

An official confirmation is still pending

The assets brought to light via data mining first reveal a dialogue before an unfinished sequence shows how Aiden finds himself outside a large opera house. A more detailed version of the opera house that the DLC is said to be set in can then be seen.

According to the Dataminer, the “Opera Astrid” is the city’s largest fighting arena. However, in order to gain access to this arena, players must first compete in smaller arenas. In a freshly released video, the dataminers go into more detail about the arenas and the data discovered. Since there is still no official confirmation from Techland, the information provided by the data miners should initially be taken with the necessary caution.

More Dying Light 2 news:

Dying Light 2 is available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.

More Dying Light 2 news.

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