Today, June 18, Gazprombank application disappeared from the App Store, as well as the bank MKB. It became known from the official Telegram channel. Now the mobile application cannot be downloaded to the iPhone in the usual way, but despite this, the client will continue to work if you have already installed it earlier. Also, it is not advised to delete or reinstall it, otherwise you can also be left without a bank application. By the way, despite everything, applications are still available on Google Play and the App Gallery. We figure out how to live without applications and is it possible get back deleted apps on iPhone.
Gazprombank application disappeared from the App Store
Although Gazprombank was not subject to blocking sanctions, it has long been understood that Apple independently blocks applications indiscriminately. Well, or we don’t know about something.
The Gazprombank application has disappeared from the App Store
If you open the App Store and try to find Gazprombank, you will see that it is no longer there. Instead, there will be Gazprombank Investments for the purchase of securities and shares, as well as GPB Mobile, an application for managing the tariff of a branded mobile operator. They say that the bank may add the functions of a mobile application just in “Investments”, which can still be downloaded from the App Store, but this is just guesswork. In any case, it is worth recalling a few nuances.

Now in the App Store there is only an application for investments and mobile communications management
- In spite of removal of Gazprombank from the App Storealready installed applications continue to work.
- Apps already installed will not receive updates.
- If you don’t have an app Gazprombank for iPhoneyou can continue to use your personal account on the bank’s website.
Over the past months, organizations have realized that their applications can be removed from the App Store at any time, so they began to adapt the functionality of the web versions. There is still no, for example, a QR code scanner, but it’s still better than nothing.
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MKB Online has been removed from the App Store
Also MKB Online application disappeared from the App Store. When you try to open it, the screen says “This application is not currently available in your country or region.” In the case of the Moscow Credit Bank, everything is a little more clear: in early June, the organization fell into the sixth package of sanctions, involving disconnect from SWIFT. Probably, the removal of the application is the consequences of serious sanctions. The company has not yet made public statements, but better do not delete the bank application from the iPhone.
How to protect banking applications from deletion
To banking applications are not gone from your iPhone, you must turn off the “Download Unused” function, as well as set a deletion prohibition. Let’s start with the first one.
- Open Settings and select App Store.
- At the very bottom, turn off the slider next to “Download unused”.
Now the iPhone’s memory will probably fill up faster, but important baths, including banking applications, will definitely not be lost. Then you need to prevent apps from being uninstalled. It’s very simple.

The next time you want to uninstall an app, this option will need to be turned off.
- Go to Settings and select Screen Time.
- Open “Content and Privacy” and activate it.
- Then select iTunes & App Store Purchases and click No on the Uninstall Apps tab.
How to get banking apps back on iPhone
Despite the sanctions and removal of applications from banks, this is not a reason not to buy a new iPhone or refuse to clean the old one: you can always return the applications that you previously used on your device. Everything is very simple! To do this, you will need iMazing, which is an improved version of iTunes.
- Download iMazing by this link to your computer.
- Install it, run it and connect it to your PC.
- Agree to use the trial period (it’s free).
- Click Manage Applications, then click Library.
- Wait for the download, then enter the name of the remote application in the search bar.
- Right-click on it and click “Install”.
- Wait for the download to finish and disconnect iPhone from PC.

You can download the deleted application again bypassing the App Store

You can download in this way not only banking applications
In such a simple way, you can return any app to a new iPhone. For example, even FIFA 14 on iPhone can be returned this way, but it will not work. Essentially, iMazing uses IPA installation, so it can safely install the app without connecting to the App Store.
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When Apple will return to Russia

So far, there is no talk of Apple returning to Russia, so applications will most likely continue to be deleted further.
Most likely, Apple will continue to remove apps from the App Store, including banking. It is extremely difficult to trace the logic by which the company does this: today these are applications of banks, tomorrow – airlines, as has already happened with Aeroflot. It is clear that applications are a convenient version of the site of any service, but without them it is much more difficult to use the usual services. In any case, it is better to stock up on the necessary programs in advance – we even made a small list of those that need to be downloaded.
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The situation with the removal of applications from the App Store is very much like the 2010s, when there were few of them, so you had to look for workarounds and use the web versions. In addition, iPad owners do not see any problem in this: many of the programs that are on the iPhone are still not available for tablets. On the other hand, the situation is different in that, if necessary, they can be returned to the device according to the instructions above.
The post The application of Gazprombank and MKB was removed from the App Store. So what’s now appeared first on Gamingsym.