
News on June 19th, according to a report by @青州video, many netizens in Foshan, Guangdong broke the news that a tornado was suspected to appear near Dali, Nanhai District, Foshan City around 7:00 today. The live video showed,The tornado swept up a lot of iron and debris, the wind was deafening, and some wires shorted and sparked.

According to @foshanweather news, according to netizens and relevant media information, after preliminary verification by the Foshan Meteorological Department on the spot, at around 07:20 on June 19, 2022,A weak tornado occurred near Yayao Village, Dali Town, Nanhai District, with a small scale.The weather station of Yayao Primary School (about 200 meters) closest to the tornado recorded a level 5 gust (10.5m/s).

According to Baidu Encyclopedia,A tornado is an upright hollow tubular rotating airflow that occurs between the bottom of a straight cloud system and the underlying surface, and is a type of severe weather phenomenon on a local scale.Tornadoes can be found in tropical and temperate regions, including the American interior, western Australia, and northeastern India. Tornadoes are less seasonal and can occur in spring, summer and autumn.

Here is a reminder that when encountering a tornado attack in the wild, don’t panic, you should quickly run in the vertical direction of the tornado’s moving direction, lie on low-lying ground, ditches, etc., but stay away from big trees, telephone poles, billboards, walls, etc. , so as not to be smashed or crushed.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Shi Qiarticle error correction

Hashtag: Guangdong Tornado

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