
According to Signal Finance, Mr. Gao from Chengdu, Sichuan said that on June 18, when he opened the cakes he bought from the official flagship store of Daoxiang Village on the Tmall platform, he found a live cockroach crawling.

Mr. Gao said that the pastry was bought for the elderly at home, so it has not been opened. It was not until the night when it was ready to eat that he opened the outer packaging and found the cockroach.

Mr. Gao said he was surprised and disgusted that such a big store would have such a problem.

He immediately contacted the store customer service,The customer service said that Mr. Gao needed to send the product back and give a reply within 3 working days.

Mr. Gao said,The customer service later gave a preliminary plan opinion, which he could not accept, but did not disclose the specific content of the plan opinion.

The man said that he found live cockroaches in the online shopping of pastries in Daoxiang Village: disgusting and disagreeing with the customer service plan

The man said that he found live cockroaches in the online shopping of pastries in Daoxiang Village: disgusting and disagreeing with the customer service plan

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