
Today’s news, the real me notebook Air will be officially released on July 19,The starting price is 2999 yuan.

According to the official information, one of the highlights of the Realme Notebook Air is its industrial design.The bezels are only 4.9mm wide, narrower than the Apple MacBook Air M1 version, which has a bezel width of 8.9mm.

And the real me notebook Air has achieved a thin and light design,It is only 14.9mm thick and weighs only 1.36kg, making it easy to carry.

In terms of core configuration, the Realme Notebook Air is equipped with the 11th generation Intel Core processor.Combining the new Willow Cove CPU architecture and 10nm SuperFin process technologyequipped with 8GB of memory, there are two storage options of 256GB and 512GB.

In order to make the Intel Core chip perform strongly, the Realme Notebook Air uses a new generation of ice-sealed VC liquid-cooled heat dissipation, and adopts the yellow light etching process of the semiconductor industry to carve out a denser composite capillary structure, which greatly speeds up the liquid return speed. Ultra-thin high-speed dual fans, let the performance be fully released.

In terms of battery life, the official claims that the real laptop Air has a long battery life of up to 13.5 hours, supports fast charging, and can charge 50% of the power in 30 minutes.

Purchase link:Jingdong (2999 yuan)

The bezel is narrower than the MacBook, the real notebook Air will be sold tomorrow: 2999 yuan

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Zhentingarticle error correction

Hashtags: MacBookMacbook AirReal Me Notebook AirReal Me

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