
According to @Boss Hookup news, Japanese furniture company Itoki and a panel supplier have recently launched a “sleep box”.But its design is incomprehensible, and people need to stand and rest in it.

It is known that,This product is shaped like a large capsule that stands upSome fixed supports are installed in the “sleep box”, when people rest in it, it will support people’s head, knees and back, so that people will not fall.

Sa Keiko Kawashima, Itoki’s publicity director, said that many people in Japan lock themselves in the bathroom for a period of time, which is not healthy, and it is better to sleep in a comfortable environment.

After seeing this “sleep box”, some netizens complained, “I think it’s hard to beat workers”, “Are you sure it’s not a torture tool?”

research shows,Taking small breaks from work throughout the day can boost productivity.More and more companies are now encouraging employees to take short naps to improve their health and productivity.

Japan Invention Office Standing Nap Box Netizen: Are you sure it's not a torture tool?

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Editor in charge: Antlersarticle error correction

Hashtag: sleep box work

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