Recently, it has been raining continuously in parts of the south.
according toThe Green Hornet Bee reportsAffected by heavy rain, the water level of Shankouyan Reservoir in Jiangxi rose. On the evening of June 17, Shankouyan Reservoir began to discharge the flood twice.
As soon as the gate opened, the churning “water dragon” poured down, which was spectacular. Because of the large amount of water, some of the stunned fish in the reservoir area flowed downstream one after another, and some were even pushed ashore directly.
On the morning of June 18, many local villagers were fishing downstream. Thanks to the good ecological environment of the inventory,The fish are all very plump, ranging from 10 to 20 catties in small ones, and even hundreds of catties in large ones.
Judging from the pictures, most of the big herrings were fished. Netizens also talked a lot about the taste of the meat. Some said that the reservoir was fishy and meaty, while others said that the environment was good and the taste was delicious.
Of course, here is a reminder that special attention should be paid to safety whether you are fishing for fish in the water or watching on the shore.
According to the data, two years ago, in a flood discharge of the Gudongkou Reservoir in Xingshan County, Yichang, Hubei, theDownstream fishermen in distressCase.
Hashtag: Flood Reservoir Fish
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