
IT House June 19 news, Microsoft will launch the Windows Autopatch service next month, which can ensure that enterprise systems, management software, firmware and drivers are kept up to date.

With the announcement of Windows Autopatch, some users have become concerned about Microsoft’s tweaks to the Patch Tuesday update, and Microsoft has clarified the issue.

Microsoft told SecurityWeek that security updates will continue to be released on the second Tuesday of every month. Organizations will be able to opt-in to Windows automatic patching, but don’t have to.

IT Home has learned that Patch Tuesday, also known as Patch Tuesday, Update Tuesday, etc., is an informal term widely used in the industry, referring to Microsoft regularly releasing updated patches for its software products . Microsoft officially started this model in October 2003, and it is still used today.

Windows Autopatch, on the other hand, is a feature of Windows Enterprise E3. Consumer versions of Windows are not affected. When it comes to Windows Autopatch, Microsoft’s Lior Bela said, “For organizations that choose this option, the second Tuesday of every month will be ‘just another Tuesday’”.

IT Home learned that Microsoft shared a FAQ page about Windows Autopatch. One of the sections mentions the answer to “Does Windows Automatch affect Patch Tuesday? Do I need to change the way I manage device updates?”:

“Monthly security and quality updates for supported versions of the Windows and Windows Server operating systems will continue to be delivered on the second Tuesday of each month (commonly referred to as Patch Tuesday or Update Tuesday), as they have been until now.

Organizations can continue to use the same processes and tools they use today—such as Microsoft Endpoint Manager, Windows Update for Business, and Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)—to manage and deploy these updates.

Windows Autopatch leverages the same tools mentioned above and leverages proven best practices backed by Microsoft experts to provide an alternative for organizations looking for a more automated, hands-off way to deploy updates. “

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