
A Seattle jury has found former Amazon software engineer Paige Thompson charged with stealing data from Capital One in 2019, guilty of wire fraud and five counts of unauthorized access to a protected computer. The Capital One hack, one of the largest security breaches in the United States, resulted in the data breach of 100 million Americans and 6 million Canadians, including names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, email addresses and phone numbers. Thompson was arrested in July of that year when a GitHub user saw her sharing information on the site about the theft of data from the server that stored Capital One’s information. According to the current population of 330 million in the United States, it is equivalent to one out of every three Americans “stealing” personal information by the engineer. According to the DOJ announcement, Thompson used a tool she built herself to scan Amazon Web Services for misconfigured accounts. She then allegedly used these accounts to infiltrate Capita.
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