
For several years, you have been able to print a custom photo book directly from Google Photos, but now the company is showing you even more ways to order your photos in physical format. Photo prints and canvases are the new ways you can order your photos you have uploaded to Google Photos. Photo prints are available in sizes 10×10, 10×15, 13×18, 20×20, 20×30, 30×45, 40×60, 50×50, 50×75 or 60×90 and canvas paintings are available in 20×20 to 75×100.

Photo prints cost from SEK 1 and canvases cost from SEK 299. Both are available to order now from the Google Print Store in Google Photos.


Internet, Google,

Google Photos, Photo Prints, Canvas Prints

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Photo: Google

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Photo: Google

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Photo: Google

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