○現行憲法の全ての条項を見直し、全体で 11 章、110 か条の構成 ○前文は全て書換え。 ○主要な改正点 : � 国旗・国歌の規定、自衛権の明記、国防軍の保持、家族の尊重、環境保全 の責務、財政の健全性の確保、緊急事態の宣言の新設、憲法改正提案要件 の緩和 など → 時代の要請、新たな課題に対応した憲法改正草案 目 次…
Status as a Service (StaaS) — Remains of the Day
Editor’s Note 1: I have no editor. Editor’s Note 2: I would like to assure new subscribers to this blog that most my posts are not as long as this one. Or as long as my previous one. My long break from posting here means that this piece is a collection of what would’ve normally been a series of s…