
A new study from Georgia State University now proves something passionate gamers have always believed: video games make you smart. But what exactly are the positive influences of games on the brain?

The researchers also explain this in detail in her report, for which they examine the behavior of 47 college-age participants. They divided the participants into two groups: 28 of them are regular gamblers, the remaining 19 live far away from the virtual worlds.

Gamers make better decisions

To find out how video games affect us, the participants’ brain activity was examined more closely using a type of MRI. The result may come as little surprise to die-hard gamers: people who indulge in video games more regularly make better decisions.

But not only that: In the test scenario developed by the scientists, the gamblers often not only made the right choice, but also reacted even faster and more precisely. The conclusion of Professor Mukesh Dhamala, one of the authors of the study, is as follows: “The results suggest that video games train the sub-processes for attention, cognition and coordination and thus improve decision-making”.

Although, according to Dhamala, video games are part of everyday life for an overwhelming majority of our youth and they are played for more than three hours a week on average, until now there has been no precise information on exactly how the effects affect our decision-making skills and our brain. “Our work provides some answers in this regard,” the synopsis of the study continues. In addition, video games could be used to train decision-making efficiency and provide therapeutic value once the neural processes in the area are better understood.

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