
Constant reheating: It’s finally time to get GTA 5 out of the microwave. (Image Source: Rockstar Games)

Some series of games require fans to have strong nerves. GTA 6 and The Elder Scrolls 6, for example, have been a long time coming, while the predecessors continue to be warmed up happily. GTA 5 and Skyrim keep popping up on new generations of consoles, refusing to finally die out. There are a few other candidates that we will now introduce to you.

A commentary by Sanel Rihic

Two games that cannot be killed

These games keep coming back like a boomerang. Rockstar Games recently re-released its most successful Grand Theft Auto; this time for the current consoles. The game doesn’t fare well with players – at least not judging by the brutal ratings on Metacritic. The same game from 2013, just reheated and repackaged.

Grand Theft Auto V Premium Edition - [PlayStation 4]

Grand Theft Auto V Premium Edition – [PlayStation 4]

The price may be higher now. Price from 06/20/2022 11:44 am

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is also such a candidate. Bethesda’s RPG sensation came out even earlier, in 2011. Since then, the game has returned multiple times: in a Legendary Edition, then in a Special Edition for PS4 and Xbox One, later also for the Nintendo Switch, then as a VR version and finally in a new Anniversary Edition for the tenth anniversary. It even appeared for Amazon’s Alexa.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Anniversary Edition) - [PlayStation 4] |  free upgrade to PlaySt

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Anniversary Edition) – [PlayStation 4] | free upgrade to PlaySt

The price may be higher now. Price from 06/20/2022 13:23

From that point you can really from undead games speak.

New releases: their pros and cons

But why is it that GTA 5 and Skyrim don’t want to become artifacts of the past? Well, the answer is quite simple: These games still keep the cash registers ringing. Both Rockstar and Bethesda don’t want to slaughter the chicken that lays golden eggs. Grand Theft Auto 5 or Online still welcomes hundred thousand players daily and Skyrim continues to entertain with one active modding community numerous fans. There’s nothing wrong with that either, as long as it’s fun, which is what games are supposed to be.

Nevertheless, I see these constant new releases critically. It can be nice for newcomers to catch up on a missed gem like Skyrim, but become veterans asked to pay again, at least on consoles. Furthermore, this perpetual cannibalizing of a game leads to that a successor is a long way off. After all, game companies like Rockstar have no reason to churn out another hit if the predecessor is still flushing millions in the tills today. In addition, a live service game like GTA Online eats up resources that are then missing in a new development – and stretch the development time.

When will these games die out?

But while we’re only talking about GTA 5 and Skyrim here, I have to admit that there are other games that keep coming back from the dead. In the following series of pictures that’s why you think so seven games that just won’t die.

7 Games That Have Risen From The Dead Too Many Times
Start photo gallery(7 images)

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