With the Nintendo Switch, the Japanese company has changed the method of offering classic games and lesser known antique consoles. In place of the Virtual Console presented on Wii U and 3DS, with the hybrid machine he opted for Nintendo Switch Onlineuna suscripcin necesaria para jugar en lnea a ttulos premium donde se incluyen catalogs of NES and SNES in constant crime. With the package of expansin, which duplicates the price of the subscription, se aaden catlogos for Nintendo 64 and Mega Drive between other extras. Reggie Fils-Aimpresident of Nintendo of America until 2019, has argued that the company nipona debera should approve its service to offer, first, ms games from Nintendo 64, but also features from Wii and GameCubealinendose as with the petitions of the users of Switch.
In an interview with CNET with the motive of the launch of the book Disrupting the Game: From the Bronx to the Top of NintendoFils-Aim has been questioned about the probability that the brand will launch ms consoles in miniature like the NES Mini (2016) and the SNES Mini (2017). Fils-Aime explains that these machines are launching at a time when Switch todava is not listed and in which Wii U does not work well for sale; the objective was to be found otra manera de obtener ingresos a travs del catlogo legacy of the brand. “Tambin dio form a poco to the fundamental ideas of the Nintendo experience [Switch] On-line and offer this content to the customer “.
Sin embargo, Fils-Aim no cree que vayamos a ver una GameCube Mini or a Nintendo 64 Mini. “If you want to get Nintendo for one of my centers ms in: ‘Cmo approve this compao todo su ingenious content and cmo the offer to the customers travs from Nintendo’s online experience? ‘ What is it that estn haciendo … Estn poniendo algo de contenido de Nintendo 64, estn working with other brands para traer algo de ese contenido antiguo “.
“Pero ah es donde est la oportunidad”, affirma el ejecutivo. “Nintendo todava tiene ms contenido de Nintendo 64 que aprovechar. I have a GameCube content to approve. Holds Wii content. There is a future of digital content offered to you, the customer, simply as it is opportunidid pujante de la que querra seguir aprovechndome“.
Nintendo Switch Online can receive Game Boy games
Tal y as dice Fils-Aim, Nintendo tiene muchsimos ms ttulos de Nintendo 64 por lanzar. El viernes 24 de junio se aadir a ese catlogo Pokmon Snap, the decimosexto game of this machine available on Nintendo Switch Online; in Japan it is available in ms, Custom Robo y Custom Robo V2. Have a month filter an official emulator that appoints the title of ttulos of Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Color y Game Boy at the service of subscription, but at the moment there is no information, official or not, that the 128 bit machines of Nintendo vayan have emulated in the hybrid console.
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