
“Have you ever noticed that all resorts are either down the back of Azeroth or in another dimension?” A small group of a human paladin, a troll rogue, and an undead priest sit to the side of the Don’t feel like story?
You can also skip the roleplay part of the article by going to the “Can we do it? Yo, we can do it!” section. scrolls.
raid and casually roll for a set of glowing cloth pants. Detonations light up the dice game as the jailer roars from his stage about mortal vermin and a new universe. The paladin wags an armored finger. “Think about it. Where are you going to relax when this expansion is finally over, huh? In Pandaria? All full of war orphans and N’Zoth goo. Very uncomfortable. Kalimdor is bomb-cratered, the Eastern Kingdoms is one big plague laboratory and Darnassus was so unimportant that they burned it down.” In the background, Zovaal shouts “ENOUGH!” and in the second phase activates the disco lighting of his Power Rangers armor. The raid will then begin stumbling back and forth in a bored attempt to avoid its death rays. “What are you getting at?” the troll villain murmurs, letting the dice dance across the floor with another click. “Quite simply, how about we return to Azeroth after this fiasco here,” the plate armor squeaks as the paladin taps his forehead, “and build something for a change instead of just watching like some lunatic our parks to rubble and ash?”

An Azeroth-themed expansion also supports class fantasy, with paladins purifying or warriors helping out.

Source: buffed

An incredulous silence spreads, abruptly interrupted by the high-pitched screams of the jailer. A rasping sigh escapes the undead priest’s throat. “How are you going to do that? The moment we get home, Azshara, Y’Shaarj, or some other bunch of consonants will jump out of the woods and slam it all back together.” The paladin waves it away. “Only if we let them. What happens if we start building right away? Right! The bad guys turn off their alarm clocks and go to sleep because one thing only happens on Azeroth at a time!” As the group scratches their heads in thought, Anduin and Sylvanas are already making out wildly in the background, while Zovaal bursts into smoke with theatrical wails. “Could be something to it.”the villain growls as she carefully folds her pants and stows her dice prize in her backpack. “Would like to cross a zone again without staring at a pile of rubble. It was fun, guys. Next week, same time, same place?” She responds with a wave of nods and grunts of agreement as the raid slowly logs out. As Sylvanas her triumphant reputation “The Multiverse is FREE!” only a single gold coin remains, which slowly tumbles around its own axis and then comes to rest with a tinkle.

can we do this? Yo, we can do it!

dragon flight? what that
This fun article is from issue 03/2022 of the PC Games MMORE – so Dragonflight was still a rumor when this special was typed. Despite the Dragonflight revelation, we would still find a spring cleaning extension super interesting!
Let’s put on our expansion tinfoil hat: If we take a closer look at the past major content packs, it is striking that a large part of Azeroth is in ruins – Deathwing flattened mountains and caused dams to break, the third war left lasting scars on Azeroth, there’s an easily overlooked sword stuck in Silithus, and we rampaged around Pandaria ourselves, destroying much of the interior there.

So far so good. Now we turn our pregnant gaze to the “reality machine” in Zereth Mortis… and then to our own ruined world. Then we also add the fact that since October of last year more and more hidden upgrades for the old world WoW assets have been sneaking into the game files. That’s right, the chances of a revamped Azeroth aren’t that bad! We look at game mechanics and tricks that a new expansion could use to not only emphasize the theme of rebuilding, but also the often-requested “player agency”. From housing to the meaningful integration of class fantasy to Garrison 2.0 – “build it yourself” is the motto. And in case you’re doubting we’re in for a deep clean, if Legion was the reboot of TBC and Shadowlands is WotLK, what’s next? Right. cataclysm On page 2 you will find out what we mean by that!

The post We should rebuild Azeroth itself! appeared first on Gamingsym.