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IT House June 19 news, the Douyin e-commerce operation team issued an announcement on the official website:

On June 30, 2022, the platform will close the product sharing function of the medical and health certification creator accounts, and prohibit the medical and health certification creators from opening the new product sharing function. Health-care certified creators who have opened the product sharing function can apply to withdraw all the deposit and commission from the account before June 30.

The content of the “Announcement” shows that when applying for withdrawal, there must be no complaints/after-sales service records related to the creator and in processing, and it must meet the relevant time requirements such as the completion of the platform transaction order. Payments will be returned to the account where the creator submitted the application.

Deposit withdrawal: Douyin “I” → Product Window → Common Services → Author Deposit → Withdrawal → I want to fully surrender the guarantee

Commission withdrawal: Douyin “I” → Product Window → Featured Affiliate → Commission Statistics → Withdrawal

IT House learned that Douyin e-commerce is an e-commerce platform under Byte, including Douyin, Toutiao, Watermelon, Douyin Volcano Edition, which can be used in multiple channels, supporting short videos, live broadcasts, self-broadcasting by merchants, and anchors bringing goods, etc. Variety of forms.

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