It has been a while since Qualcomm launched the newly upgraded and most powerful Snapdragon 8+ flagship platform so far. After intense preparations, almost every major brand has begun to prepare for their top flagship models that will be equipped with this chip. Warm up, including the new iQOO 10 series flagship. Now there is the latest news. Recently, a digital blogger has further brought more details about the fast charging of the machine.
According to the latest information released by the well-known digital blogger @Digital Chat Station, which is basically consistent with the previously exposed news, the new iQOO10Pro will be equipped with more powerful fast charging technology and is expected to become the first flagship model to support 200W fast charging. At the same time, the blogger said that although the battery capacity is not small,But the engineering machine of the machine takes only 12min±Compared with the previous generation of IQOO, the improvement is still very obvious.
In other respects, according to previously exposed news, the new iQOO 10 series machine will use a 2K+120Hz LTPO high-brush flexible screen at most, and support large-area ultrasonic screen fingerprints. The newly upgraded Snapdragon 8+ mobile platform will be built based on TSMC’s 4nm process. The maximum frequency of the CPU’s Cortex-X2 super core has been increased to 3.2GHz. While the performance is improved, the power consumption of the Snapdragon 8+ has also been greatly optimized. , the overall power consumption is about 15% lower than that of the Snapdragon 8. In addition, the machine will also be equipped with a 50-megapixel outsole main camera, which is also a stable flagship level.
It is reported that the new iQOO 10 series is expected to debut in July, and is expected to launch the world’s first 200W super fast charging technology, fast charging speed to kill the mobile phone industry. We will wait and see for more details.
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