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IT House July 21 news, according to the release of Tongxin Software, Tongxin “Deep” previously announced the first desktop operating system root community in China, and is committed to building a China-led and internationally influential desktop operating system root community.

The Tongxin “Deep” community has been established for 15 years and has gone through the main stages of my country’s operating system industry. It is currently one of the largest, most active, and best globalized desktop open source operating system communities in China.

Wang Yaohua, general manager of Tongxin Software Open Source Community Center and head of Deepin Community, said that in the next three years, Tongxin’s “Deep” root community will make every effort to promote the construction of root community from four aspects: organizational management, code opening, product release and community governance. It will catch up with the international mainstream distribution community level in terms of the number of developers and open source governance model, form a complete and mature joint community governance system, and build a good community foundation for the next generation of operating system products and technological innovation.

Wang Yaohua also revealed that deepin V23 will be open to the community soon.deepin V23 is a root operating system created by the upstream Debian community based on the concept of root communityis a new generation of operating system products that integrates the open source power of the community and contains a large number of innovative technologies.

In addition, Tongxin’s “deep” root community has achieved results in community management team building, open source talent training, interest group formation, open source activity creation, and open source cultural dissemination. At the same time, on the basis of the original branch community, actively restart and build several overseas branch communities.

“Tongxin Software Announces New Plan for Deepin Community to Build China-led Desktop System Root Community”

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