
At the end of next month, Blizzard Entertainment’s online shooter “Overwatch 2” will start its next closed PvP beta. Appropriately, the developers went into the new skills of Junker Queen in more detail.

The projects currently under development at Blizzard Entertainment include the action role-playing game “Diablo 4” and the upcoming online shooter “Overwatch 2”.

At the end of July, the multiplayer shooter will start the next closed PvP beta. Appropriately, the developers at Blizzard Entertainment went into the character Junker Queen and their abilities. The new tank relies on the pump-action shotgun called “Scattergun” for long-range combat. In close combat, on the other hand, the ax called “Carnage” is used, with which Junker Queen can wound her opponents and damage them over time.

The Commanding Cry and the Serrated Blade

According to the developer, the “Serrated Blade” is a fast attack that can inflict wounds and damage over time from close range or can also be carried out in the form of a ranged attack. With the Commanding Shout, Junker Queen is able to increase her movement speed by 30 percent while boosting her HP by 200 and her allies by 100 points.

Finally, Junker Queen’s ultimate ability, Rampage, lets her charge forward with a spinning attack, inflicting wounds and reducing healing received. The wounds pair well with her passive Adrenaline Rush, which heals all damage dealt by Squire Queen over time.

More Overwatch 2 news:

Overwatch 2 is in development for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.

More Overwatch 2 news.

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