
Recently, customized keyboards have become popular in the office. In short, you can customize a unique keyboard according to your needs and preferences. Although sometimes the price will be higher, but after all, we rely on this thing to eat every day, so it is completely reasonable to do a good job.

However, after Tony glanced at everyone’s keyboards, he found that the keyboards are all popular now.

It seems that the lack of numeric keypads is already commonplace, and some keyboards are even more severe, and even the function keys have to be deleted for you. . .

How useless are these function keys on the keyboard that have been cut out by the manufacturer?

In addition to a few essential function keys such as Shift and CapsLock that we use every day, there is a function key area that many people overlook, and that is where the keys such as Delete, Insert, Home and End are included.

Usually they appear in groups of 9 buttons above the arrow keys.

How useless are these function keys on the keyboard that have been cut out by the manufacturer?

This area, I would like to call the keyboard desert. The reason is also very simple, because ordinary people really rarely touch this place. . . Either it’s because it’s not used, or it’s just not used to using the function keys here. Tony asked a circle of colleagues, and they also knew little about these function keys, and none of them could tell the truth. . .

But this article is not to explain that these function keys are useless. On the contrary, Tony wants to take this opportunity to tell you what these function keys are used for. Let’s chat about these 9 function keys one by one. The first is the relatively most common Delete key, which functions like the name and is used to delete things.

How useless are these function keys on the keyboard that have been cut out by the manufacturer?

Some people should select some files and press Delete to delete them. This is the most used key among the 9 function keys.

How useless are these function keys on the keyboard that have been cut out by the manufacturer?

It can also be used to delete characters after the cursor when editing text.

How useless are these function keys on the keyboard that have been cut out by the manufacturer?

Next is the Scroll Lock key, which is generally used more on Excel spreadsheets. For example, when you are in the liver table, using the arrow keys, the cursor will scroll down line by line.

How useless are these function keys on the keyboard that have been cut out by the manufacturer?

After pressing the Scroll Lock key, the cursor will be locked at the current position, and when you use the arrow keys, the entire page is scrolled instead of the cursor.

How useless are these function keys on the keyboard that have been cut out by the manufacturer?

As for Pause Break, it can be used on previous DOS systems, and can be used to suspend running programs and the like.

How useless are these function keys on the keyboard that have been cut out by the manufacturer?

But on Windows, in addition to Win + Pause Break can call up system information, and press to enter the BIOS interface when booting, Tony can’t think of other functions. Then there’s the Insert key, which Tony and the editors hated the most because it swallowed words. . .

How useless are these function keys on the keyboard that have been cut out by the manufacturer?

One of its functions is called overlay. After pressing it and then typing, the font behind the cursor will be overwritten, commonly known as swallowing.

How useless are these function keys on the keyboard that have been cut out by the manufacturer?

But there is one thing to say, this can not blame it, mainly because Insert is too close to the backspace key, we are really easy to encounter it when deleting words. . .

And the use of the Print Screen key is the same as the name itself, it is used to take screenshots.

But this thing is a non-sensing screenshot, the system will not have any feedback on your screenshot operation, and it defaults to a full-screen screenshot, if two monitors are connected, it will give you all the screenshots together. . .

How useless are these function keys on the keyboard that have been cut out by the manufacturer?

And for screenshot requirements, everyone basically uses WeChat / QQ shortcut keys now, everyone knows it. Now there are two sets of function keys left, one of which is PageUp and PageDown. These two things are used to quickly turn pages. Pressing once can slide a whole page of documents or web pages.

How useless are these function keys on the keyboard that have been cut out by the manufacturer?

The Home and End keys are more like the advanced versions of PageUp and PageDown, which can be simply understood as one key to return to the beginning or end of the web page.

The introduction of the 9 function keys has been completed. It is estimated that the first reaction of many people when they see this is: Now I am sure that I will not use these keys any more. . . But there must be people who often use some of these buttons, and you can’t kill everyone with one stick, right?

How useless are these function keys on the keyboard that have been cut out by the manufacturer?

Tony certainly didn’t deny these function keys outright, but in fact, more and more keyboards are indeed emasculating them. . . As people seek more individuality, allocate desktop space more rationally, and more people realize the fact that “I don’t need these function keys”, the function keys on the keyboard have become crippled.

Tony toured the office on a fishing afternoon and found that some colleagues were indeed using keyboards that lacked function keys. For example, the keyboard mentioned at the beginning has cut off the Insert and Scroll Lock keys.

How useless are these function keys on the keyboard that have been cut out by the manufacturer?

And this keyboard also lacks a Pause Break key, replaced by a light bulb pattern key.

How useless are these function keys on the keyboard that have been cut out by the manufacturer?

Of course, there are even more powerful castrations. The keyboard of the colleague next door only has three buttons: PageUp, PageDown and Delete. . .

How useless are these function keys on the keyboard that have been cut out by the manufacturer?

But this is the best keyboard Tony has ever seen.

How useless are these function keys on the keyboard that have been cut out by the manufacturer?

Except keep the Delete key and throw it next to the arrow keys, you’ll do the rest. Although this keyboard can use the complete function keys in the form of Fn key combination, it is still a bit troublesome to use, and some key combination keys seem to have no response, which is almost like cutting it off.

How useless are these function keys on the keyboard that have been cut out by the manufacturer?

Tony also asked some colleagues if they used the function keys infrequently, and the answer was almost always “a few occasionally”.

Of course, the bad review editorial department cannot represent everyone, and there must be many people who use these buttons every day.

Even if you don’t use it, after reading this article, you can have a simple understanding of these function keys.

And if you’re sure you don’t need these function keys, you might as well choose a keyboard that cuts them off to make your workstation or desktop look more personal.


Futurity Reddit – When was the last time you hit the PAUSE key?

Hashtag: keyboard mechanical keyboard full keyboard

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