
from Andrew Link
The otherwise well-informed Bloomberg journalist Jason Schreier now classifies rumors about three protagonists in GTA 6. They are simply wrong and you have to be content with just one main character.

Grand Theft Auto 6 is one of the most anticipated games and accordingly a popular theme. The otherwise well-connected Jason Schreier from Bloomberg is now dismissing the rumor that GTA 6 will again have several protagonists. Who remembers: With Franklin, Michael and Trevor, GTA 5 had three main characters that you can switch between and who, in addition to a common story, all do their own thing. That worked about 10 years ago, that’s how long ago it was, well, and the game would certainly have used a campaign DLC if it wasn’t for GTA Online.

At GTA 6 should several protagonists but absolutely not be an issue. The document that made the rounds was “fan fiction,” according to Schreier Reddit. According to him, while many things are still in flux given the stage of development of GTA 6, three main characters are not coming back. That should disappoint some, because the three very different characters in GTA 5 brought a pleasant freshness and variety to the game, which is missing in Red Dead Redemption 2, for example. The other side is that the expectation for GTA 6 at best is very low.

Those who expect little will not be disappointed, and at Rockstar Games, key personnel are no longer working on the brand. Now, while no one makes a game alone anymore, Dan Houser in particular is considered an integral part of what makes Rockstar games and he’s no longer on board with other key people. There have also been occasional reports that GTA 6 is having a difficult development. You don’t have to be a Grand Vizier to say that Take Two will be keen to turn multiplayer back into a money-making machine. Otherwise one would hardly have at least frozen or stopped all side projects like Remaster and RDR2 Online.

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