from Karsten Scholz –
The WoW: Wrath of the Lich King Classic beta is entering the next phase! Starting today, July 21, 2022, beta testers can jump into ranked arena matches and the first raid instances.
In the first two beta phases of WoW: Wrath of the Lich King Classic As is well known, the focus was on the level phase in Northrend and fundamental innovations such as the death knight, inscription, quest phasing, glyphs and vehicles. Today, July 21, 2022, the Blizzard developers are changing that focus. The focus is on the endgame of WotLK Classic.
Raids, Arena, Level 80 Characters
In the official forums, Community Manager Kaivax announced that starting today, the following content will be testable in beta:
The Death Knight starting zone is divided into different phases per faction.
The guild event log is functional.
Addons can be used in the beta.
A beta arena season begins.
The Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum, and Eye of Eternity raids are ready for raid testing.
What is particularly exciting is what changes Blizzard will make specifically to Naxxramas. The developers had already announced in June, that the health and damage of the local bosses should be increased, since the iconic raid in the original WotLK was much easier than the designers wanted. So that all beta players can also test the Northrend phase 1 endgame, there is the possibility to create level 80 template characters and then equip them with equipment, gems, enchantments and consumables.