
Like any competitive online title, Call of Duty has a bit of a problem with cheaters. This ensured the creation of the Ricochet software, which is the anti-cheat measure of the Call of Duty titles. In a new one blog post the developers at Ricochet list some of their anti-cheat systems, and they turn out to be pretty funny.

Call of Duty anti-cheat measures are designed to annoy cheaters

The so-called “mitigation systems” aim to keep any cheaters in the game long enough to be able to collect valuable data, while at the same time minimizing the effect that cheaters have on other players. The systems are also designed to annoy cheaters a bit.

“Cheaters, for some reason, feel superior when they use software to win games they’re not supposed to be winning. Hitting them with Mitigations turns those euphoric feelings into glorious pangs of anger. We’ve seen the clips. “

The first of these systems is called Damage Shield. If a normal player is shot by a cheater, he loses very little life points. This makes it easier for him to find out where the cheater is and then take him out without too much trouble. There is also cloaking. which makes a normal player completely invisible once hit by a cheater. This should probably counter wall hacks.

The latest system from Ricochet is called Disarm. Once a cheater has been tracked down, all of their weapons are confiscated, including their fists. This means they can’t do any damage and become easy targets for other players.

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