It’s a new week that starts on this Monday, and the SELL is obviously there to share the list of video games that have sold best in France in recent days. Nintendo Switch Sports is only in second placehe finally leaves the first step of the podium to another title, the long-awaited Mario Strikers: Battle League Footballanother Switch exclusive.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe does not however intend to leave its third place, and we find at the bottom of the classification The Quarrythe new game of Supermassive Gamesin its PlayStation 5 version, as well as Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition.
Top sales of video games on consoles in France from the 6th as of June 11, 2022 :
Title | Purchase from our partner |
1 – Mario Strikers: Battle League Football (Switch)
TEST Mario Strikers: Battle League Football, it lacks madness… | |
2 – Nintendo Switch Sports (Switch)
3 – Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Switch)
TEST – Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: what is this Nintendo Switch version worth? | |
4 – The Quarry (PS5)
5 – Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition (Switch)
Writer – Tester Clint008 |
The post Best-selling video games in France (week 23): football on Switch and horror appeared first on Gamingsym.