Although Telegram – this is just a messenger, for many it has long replaced all possible social networks. Moreover, the social component here is clearly better developed than in WhatsApp. Telegram channels can play the role of not only personal blogs, where their authors share their photos like on Instagram, but also circles of interest that unite users on one or another basis. We’ve put together a few of these channels for you that you’ll almost certainly want to subscribe to.
Telegram channels are a source of interesting information that you simply cannot miss
Telegram channel about art
Do not understand anything in art and do not understand why such merits of the authors of banal, at first glance, paintings are called great? You are not alone. But the telegam channel “Why is this a masterpiece” everything will piss you off. The author explains in simple terms how Malevich’s “Black Square” blew up the notion of beauty and why actionism is also an art.
Telegram channel – English
Even if you had an A in English and you pronounce the phrase “London is the Capital of Great Britain” as well as Elizabeth II, you can hardly know all the nuances of this language. Well, because at school they hardly told you about how different hairstyles are called in English, but in telegram channel “How does it translate, dude?” you will learn a lot of new things for yourself. Also, memes and even simple tests are periodically posted here so that you can test your knowledge.
Architecture of St. Petersburg – telegram channel
A person has only three joys in life: water, food and good architecture. Therefore, today I will advise you the channel “Gallernaya” by Sergei Galler. He works as a realtor in St. Petersburg and constantly posts cool apartments, describing each of them very vividly and with humor. In the Galler Gallery (what a pun, huh?) you will not only see the houses for yourself, but you will also be able to peep for yourself some cool renovation ideas.
Suffering Middle Ages in Telegram
Telegram channel “Suffering Middle Ages” – the real haven of the intelligentsia. Its authors make cool memes based on medieval engravings and craquelure paintings. They are good because they not only amuse, but also refer to some events in history or works of great authors like the Divine Comedy, Decameron, etc.
Telegram channel about technologies
Have you ever seen a drone that carries four people at once? BUT largest glass bridge in the world? What about shoes that protect your feet from sprains and misalignment in all conditions? All this and much more you will find in telegram channel about high technologies “Tesla Holster”. The guys know a lot about cool things that they share daily with their subscribers.
Telegram channel about Apple
Fan of Apple technology Or are you just starting your fan journey? Then you direct dear to telegram channel Only the most up-to-date news, instructions, explainers and author’s articles are published here every day, in which you will surely learn a lot of useful things. Be sure to subscribe and stay up to date with the latest events and trends from the world of Apple.
Best products from Aliexpress
Aliexpress – a grandiose platform where you can find literally everything. But it’s also important to be able to spot cool products so you don’t regret buying them. The guys from the Alibaba Chest telegram channel every day manually select only the most top items from aliexpressand many of them are even personally tested and, only if they pass quality control, put them on public display.
How to see history on tik tok
Dreaming of finding watched videos on tik tokbut don’t know how? In the telegram channel “Not a bug, but a feature” they will tell you how to do it in a few steps. Here they post only the most effective tips and instructions for interacting with social media, popular applications and services that you almost certainly did not know anything about. So subscribe – it will come in handy.
How to become a tester
Do you want to receive new profession as soon as possible? Go testers. BUT QA Engineer Artyom Rusov will not only tell you how to do it, but also teach you everything you need. He collects all the squeeze about the profession of a tester in his telegram channel, but also leads testing course on YouTube, absolutely free. Subscribe and get education online. After all, today it is so valuable.
Telegram channel of Sberbank
Sberbank is no longer the bank that requires you to close the card in the branch in which you replenished it. Now this is a completely new fintech project that develops many areas and keeps in touch with clients, including through its telegram channel. Various forecasts, tips on saving capital, as well as useful banking hackswhich will surely come in handy. So subscribe – you won’t regret it.
The post Cool telegram channels for life that you need to subscribe to appeared first on Gamingsym.