
In recent news, some media reported that many Tesla users said they had received notices for making up payments because of theirNot reaching the total mileage condition within the specified timewithout access to state subsidies.

According to the Boss Network report, Tesla’s customer service responded that this is indeed the case.However, it is only for official vehicles and depends on the specific conditions of the vehicle. Generally, private vehicles will not.

It is understood that in February 2018, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the “Notice on Adjusting and Improving the Financial Subsidy Policies for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles”, and issued the “New Energy Vehicle Promotion Subsidy Program and Product Technology”. Requirements” to adjust the subsidy policy for new energy vehicles.

There is no operating mileage requirement for applying for financial subsidies for privately purchased new energy passenger vehicles, special-purpose vehicles (including sanitation vehicles), official vehicles for party and government agencies, and vehicles in civil aviation airports.

It was revealed that Tesla

It was revealed that Tesla

Other types of new energy vehicles applying for financial subsidiesThe operating mileage requirement is adjusted to 20,000 kilometers in 2 yearsafter the vehicle is sold and licensed, a part of the subsidy funds will be allocated according to the application, and all the funds will be allocated after the operating mileage requirements are met.

The first batch of domestic Tesla Model 3s began to be delivered in early 2020 (the national subsidy is only for domestic models), so after 2 years, Tesla found that some models could not get the national subsidy, and began to send a letter to recover the money.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

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Hashtags: Tesla Tesla Model 3 electric car

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