— from technikPR / Shutterstock.com

Despite a marked decrease, the suicide rate in the world is still very present. Thus, it is estimated that a person commits suicide every 40 seconds. However, disparities persist according to country, age, gender, etc.

Between 2010 and 2016, the global suicide rate decreased 9.8%, according to the WHO. However, one person commits suicide every 40 seconds worldwide, or about 800,000 people. This is therefore more than the deaths caused by malaria, breast cancer or homicides.

There are differences between people. Overall, more men commit suicide than women. With the exception of China, which is one of the few countries where women kill themselves more often than men. The methods used are also different: men resort more to hanging, firearms or carbon monoxide poisoning, and women overdose more.

Sexual orientation is also a reason for suicide. Thereby, LGBTI+ youth are more likely to attempt suicide. Similarly, attempts tend to increase with age. Lithuania is the most affected country in the world. Contrary to popular belief, Asian countries are therefore not the most affected, with Japan, the leading country in Asia, coming in 8th position.

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