Your awakening was a unique event in the history of Azeroth, but now is the time to take your place in this world. The Dragon Isles are just waiting for you to discover your destiny and awaken your crush siblings to new adventures. You don’t let yourself be tamed that easily.
Neltharion the Earth Warden combined the essence of dragons with the adaptability of mortal races to create elite soldiers who can shift between humanoid and dragon forms. After a long time in magical stasis, they awaken to face a new threat on the Dragon Isles. On the Forbidden Island, the Dracthyr begin their journey to restore their patchy memories and adjust to a new reality.
Creation of your Caller of the Dracthyr
Dracthyr Callers are a new hero class that begin their adventures at level 58. There are no restrictions when creating your first Dracthyr, except that you Dragon flight must own and that you can only have one Dracthyr per realm. Additional Dracthyrs can only be created once you have a non-Dracthyr character that is at least level 50 on the desired realm.
Also, you choose your faction during character creation along with all the various details that make up your faction Dractyr make unique. You can choose from a wealth of possible combinations. (Good luck with that. You’re going to need it.)
The color of magic
The Dracthyr Callers were created to harness the magics of all five dragonflights, giving their style of spellcasting an entirely unique style. With each cast you will be able to see the interaction of these forces. Callers have two unique specializations that take advantage of these magic types: devastation and preservation.
Devastation is a ranged damage specialization that harnesses the power of the red and blue dragonflight to deal devastating damage to enemies.
- Blue spells: Concentrated and overwhelming power
- Red spells: Fast, explosive power
Conservation is a healing specialization that harnesses the power of the green and bronze dragonflight to heal allies in combat.
- Green Spells: care and healing
- Bronze spells: Manipulation and warping of time
Each ability associated with a dragonflight will display its name in the spellbook and tooltip.
WoW Dragon Flight: Caller of the Dracthyr, the new hero class
Source: Blizzard
Dracthyr Callers have special empowered Abilities that allow them to change the power of the ability they’re currently using. By holding down a keyboard or mouse button, you charge an ability. The longer you charge the ability, the more damage it can deal or the more targets it can hit.
For example means a empowered Spell learned first’fire breath‘. ‘fire breath‘ can be charged to Tier I, Tier II, or Tier III. A meter will appear showing the level of the spell being cast. Releasing the button or moving before the spell is complete will prevent the spell from being cast – provided it hasn’t reached any of those levels yet. If you activate the spell while the meter is within the specified level range, it will trigger at that level.
The damage dealt by Fire Breath increases with each level. But not all empowered Abilities work the same way, and over time you’ll learn how to get the most out of them.
Awaken the dragon in you
Dracthyr have two racial abilities that stem from the nature of that race: ‘wing shock‘ and ‘tail sweep‘.
- wing thrust: Flaps your wings vigorously, knocking enemies away in front of you.
- Tail Sweep: Lash your tail, knocking up enemies within 6 yards.
You will also learn to Slideusing the jump button while falling to land softly.
It’s even better than just slowly gliding to the ground Sail, an ability you also learn that allows you to move through the air for a short time. With a bit of timing and a well-chosen starting point, like a slope or cliff, you should be able to get decent distance out of your wings.
- Sail: Use all your strength and catapult yourself into the air.
You also have a few other basic skills at your disposal that will sweeten your existence as an accomplished caller of the Dracthyr, such as ‘living flame‘ – a spell with which you can either damage opponents or heal yourself.
- Living Flame (Red): Sends a flickering flame toward your target, dealing Fire damage to an enemy or healing an ally.
Essential Basics
Certain spells and abilities use a resource that essence called. This is displayed under your character portrait as five small, shimmering orbs that fill up automatically over time. A spell that essence used is ‘disintegration‘. It is the first spell you learn in the Dracthyr starting area.
- Disintegration (blue): Attacks an enemy with a blast of blue magic that spellfrost damage while reducing the target’s movement speed.
But that’s just the tip of the iceberg, because there’s a lot more to discover during the testing phase. We look forward to your feedback and see you on the Dragon Isles!
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