
According to micronet news, recently, a letter to customers of Intel’s PSG business line products has been circulated in the industry.

The notification letter shows that due to supply chain cost pressure and continued strong demand, Intel plans to increase the price of some FPGA products, involving Arria®, MAX®, Stratix®, Cyclone® and other product lines.Among them, the price increase of the older part number is 20%, and the price of the new part number is increased by 10%.

The full name of FPGA is Field Programmable Gate Array, that is, Field Programmable Gate Array, which is essentially a chip.

The letter also shows that the relevant measures will officially take effect on October 9 this year, and all products shipped on and after this date will be settled at the new price.

Earlier this week, the media also exposed rumors of Intel’s price increase, which is said to involve a full range of products, including major departmental product lines such as CCG and DCG. Intel did not directly respond to the rumors of price increases, only emphasizing that the company will continue to meet customer demand for products. demand and continue to bring innovation and value to customers in the short or medium to long term.

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