
The National Guard is exploring the idea of ​​improving its image with the help of computer games, reports Kommersant.

The idea was proposed by the head of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy Alexander Khinshtein. On May 27, he sent a letter to the director of the Russian Guard, Viktor Zolotov, in which he proposes to raise the prestige of the department with the help of computer games.

The use of such forms of media communication in order to promote patriotic values, create a positive image of the National Guard, glorify the department and its history can be extremely important.

It is said in Khinshtein’s letter

The National Guard confirmed the development of the initiative. A meeting on this subject was held in the State Duma with the participation of the Ministry of Digital Development and the Russian Foundation for the Development of Information Technologies (RFRIT).

As a result of the meeting, two ways of popularizing the Russian Guard were identified: through the creation of a tactical-team game about the department or the integration of its branding “with the creation of unique characters” into an existing computer game, for example, into the Caliber online shooter from 1C.

Also, the creation of a game about the National Guard was offered by VK, but the company agreed to provide only expert support. [Коммерсантъ]

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The agency can also integrate into existing games.

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