
As a new force among traditional car manufacturers, GAC Aian has an excellent sales performance, with an average monthly sales of over 20,000 vehicles, second only to BYD, Tesla and other leading car companies. Many car owners also value the advantages of Aion’s large sales, good reputation and long battery life, and choose to order Aion vehicles. However, due to the problem of locking electricity, some car owners have begun to collectively defend their rights. On July 22, according to the “Beijing News Shell Finance” report, many car owners reported the problem of GAC Aian’s electricity locking. According to the charging screenshot provided by the car owner, the 2019 GAC AION LX 80 model is charged from 1% of the remaining power to the jump gun, and a total of 87.53 kWh is charged. According to the manufacturer, the in-car battery capacity of the AION LX model is 93 kWh. Mr. Xu believes that if part of the power loss during the charging process is not calculated, Aian locks the battery of the old model by about 4 degrees. A few days ago, a number of 2019 and 2020 GAC AION LX owners said that they encountered a slowdown in the charging speed of the vehicle, and the battery charging power was obviously insufficient compared to the past. A number of AION LX riders mentioned that the vehicle was locked while also mentioning that in a certain .
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