Thank you IT home netizens OC_Formula The clue is delivered!

IT House reported on June 22 that Intel initially launched the Ruixuan A-series mobile graphics card in March, and now the A380 desktop graphics card will be available soon. In addition to mainstream consumer-grade graphics cards, Intel is also designing Pro models for professional workstations, and an A40 Pro has been certified in South Korea.

According to Intel’s plan, the notebook Ruixuan graphics card will be listed in the first quarter, and the desktop terminal will be listed in the second quarter.Workstation models will be available in the third quarter. At that time, the field of mobile, desktop and workstation graphics cards will form a three-legged situation of Intel, Nvidia and AMD, and consumers will have more choices.

For information on Intel Sharp A-Series graphics cards, see:

“Intel officially released Ruixuan mobile independent display: supports light pursuit / XeSS oversampling, and can work seamlessly with nuclear display”

“Independent display price is 1030 yuan, Intel launches Ruixuan A380 GPU, which can provide 1080p 60fps gaming experience”

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