
Traveling by car can be a wonderful or rewarding experience, or on the contrary, a painful and frightening ordeal. It depends in part on the route we are going to take. Indeed, if there are marvelous perfectly paved roads that crisscross a seaside, there are also roads populated by potholes perched on the edge of a cliff. For lovers of adrenaline and great adventures, here are 10 of the most dangerous roads in the world.

— wernermuellerschell / Shutterstock.com

10. The Yungas Road, Bolivia

Nicknamed “the road of death”, this Bolivian road connects the cities of La Paz and Coroico. Admittedly, traveling on this road offers a magnificent landscape below, but with only 3.5 meters wide – and without guardrails – the Yungas road is too narrow and in too bad condition to really enjoy the countryside. In fact, there have been so many car accidents on this road that it was eventually converted into a bike path.

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