
Regarding his popularity, Dong Yuhui was very calm. He admitted that he was the son of a farmer, and he wanted to do live broadcast of agricultural products. Recently, Dong Yuhui, an anchor of Dongfang Selection who became popular by live streaming with goods, said in an interview with China Daily: He is just a vegetable seller, and his popularity will definitely drop in the future, which is normal. I don’t want everyone to pay attention to him all the time, I hope to pay more attention to the appearance of all beings, they bring strength and confidence to more people. Regarding future planning in the video, Dong Yuhui said that the live broadcast of agricultural products will benefit some farmers in the short term. “If one day I am no longer needed here, I may find a junior high school in a remote area to teach.” People.com once commented before. Dong Yuhui’s popularity, which pointed out that this young man takes selling goods as his “side business” and teaching as his “main business”, diligently exporting knowledge, and then he himself responded that there are many smarter, better, more diligent and optimistic people than himself. I was just lucky by chance. In the future, Mr. Dong will continue to work hard. Some netizens said after seeing this scene, for a person with their own traffic, Mr. Dong is not selling goods, but taking classes! success .
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The post “Teacher with square face” Dong Yuhui responded to the decline in popularity again: Do a good job of live broadcast of agricultural products to benefit farmers and consider supporting teaching appeared first on Gamingsym.