
Epic exclusivity was short for a few months.

Borderlands-spinoffen Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands was released at the end of March for various consoles and PCs, exclusively via Epic. Already after three months, it will come to Steam, with release tomorrow. Borderlands 3The exclusivity of the Epic Store was six months long, costing $ 146 million.

Dlc campaigns are a traditional part of Borderlandsseries, and so is the case Tiny Tina.

We have so far received Coiled Captors and Glutton’s Gamble. Tomorrow, in connection with the Steam release, we get another dlc: Molten Mirrors. Here we meet Fyodor the Soul Warden who rules over an army of lost souls deep in his abode among the mountains. No dlc trailer in sight yet, but via it official Wonderlandsthe site we can improve in more information.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands got a third when FZ’s Johan Lorentzon reviewed it.

Many parts of Tiny Tina’s crazy Wonderlands I have a hard time not loving. The role-playing nerd in me sits with a smile on his face through Tina’s silly entertaining adventure. Gearbox should have dared even more there, renewed more from Borderlands to reach the really high ratings.

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