
Epic Games wants to abolish review bombing with this new, very selective rating system.

PC gamers who go through the Epic Games Store will be able to experience two highly anticipated new features. On the store of the American giant, it was until now impossible to give a rating to a game, unlike its main competitor Steam. If Epic Games introduces its rating system today, it may not appeal to everyone.

Indeed, it will not work like traditional systems, but will give the opportunity to only a few players to express themselves. No need to look for the button that allows you to give your spontaneous opinion, Epic Games will go to the players to offer them to rate a game out of 5, after a session of at least two hours, and in a totally random. The firm explains:

After a game session, randomly selected players will have the opportunity to rate the game up to five stars. Over time, these ratings will help feed into the “overall rating” that will appear on the product’s store page. Because these requests are random, we won’t spam our players, and we probably won’t ask for information about every game or app used. This approach protects games against review bombing and ensures that the people giving the ratings are real gamers..”

Review bombing has no place here.

Because that is the whole goal of Epic Games: to put an end to a hateful practice that often takes on unjustified proportions. Review bombing is the term for the wave of negative reviews, and terrible ratings, that overwhelms a game when it encounters an unusual bug; as was the case with Gran Turismo 7 earlier this year or when its developers take a position on a taboo subject, among other reasons.

With Epic Games’ method, there is no longer any question of changing your rating on a whim, it is the overall gaming experience that should take precedence over the rest. The same goes for polls, which are also arriving on the platform. If they do not allow you to assign a rating to a game, they still collect your feelings about your last game session.

The questions cover a wide range, and will have a number of potential answers. Players may be asked to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the question ‘Is this game good to play in a group?’. Players may also be asked to complete a multiple-choice survey on how difficult bosses in this game are..”

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