
We are now in the second half of the year and we still have no clear information on the release of Hogwarts Legacy. Warner Bros. promised us that the title should arrive around the holiday season, but still no clear date in sight. However, pre-order bonuses and DLCs are gradually starting to leak around the game, and this is once again the case today with a piece of the game’s collector’s edition.

A collector’s edition that is confirmed

It’s on again Reddit that we could see this leak pass, always coming from files hidden within the official site of Hogwarts Legacy.

We already knew that the game would be sold in a Digital Deluxe Editionbut now we find a collector’s edition for Hogwarts Legacywhich is a priori very physical. The latter is indeed attached to links to American reseller sites, so there is no doubt about its existence.

We see the same bonuses or almost as in the Deluxe edition, except for the wand and the “steel case” which are only in the collector, enough to think that these are physical objects here. These objects had been unearthed on the site in the past, but we have a new confirmation today.

The announcement of the date is preparing?

With the collector’s edition getting ready more and more, we can imagine that Warner Bros is preparing to accelerate a big blow in the communication around the game.

With such an announcement, the publisher could revive interest around pre-orders of the game, while taking advantage of this speaking time to finally give the release date of the game. After all, this Collector’s Edition contains access to the game 72 hours before release, so it would be important to know when the game will be released before you pre-order for this bonus.

Hogwarts Legacy will be released on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series and Switch at the end of 2022.

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