
We thank you that SEGA and Creative Assembly are responsible for Alien: Isolation, is collaborating on a first-person video game. Without embarrassment, it has not been officially announced that it was leaving HYENASun multiplier with science science fictionn that we leave a futuro distpico in the that the rich he colonized Marte and the poor are pelean in peripheral barriers that orbitan to his alrededor. Llegar en algn momento de 2023 a PS5, Xbox Series X / S, PS4, Xbox One and PC, though ya es posible apuntarse a su alfa a travs de la pgina oficial.

The premise of HYENAS our pone in the skin of a ladrn espacial of the criminal group that number in the game: the objective is the collars in the installations of the rich, detective detectors and robar “objects of pop culture” which in this future works like relics and valen much money. It’s because in that famous image shared by Creative Assembly veamos tems de franquicias muy conocidas de SEGAas a figure of Soniclos pltanos de Super Monkey Ball or the cassette of rocking cassettes in painting of Jet Set Radio: ese ser de tipo de pertenencias que tendremos que robar para luego vender en el mercoado negro.

Hero shooter sin gravedad y en constante evolucin

The level of playable subjects we hope for shooter first person with the gravedad cero as an unexpected giro: HYENAS’s excellence allows us to compete against other teams of teachers in stages without pregnancy, a characteristic that appears to be very important within the experience. Adems, the characters in this project are ten its own abilities and characteristicsbecause we’re ante one hero shooter which expands its plant with the passage of time. Everything seems to be one game as servicebecause we also know that new “botinicals” appear with valiosa merioanca que robar.

HYENAS launches in 2023 for PlayStation, Xbox and PC. Bajo estas lneas podis ver una gallery with the first images of the project.

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