
On the morning of July 23, the 5th Digital China Construction Summit opened in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, with the theme of “Innovation Drives New Changes and Digital Leads New Patterns”. This summit is jointly organized by the National Cyberspace Administration of China, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and the Fujian Provincial People’s Government. The main agenda includes the opening ceremony, main forum, policy release, sub-forum, achievement exhibition, digital product expo, innovation The eight parts including the competition and the cloud ecology conference, as well as activities such as “Minjiang Night Talk” and “Blessed State Dialogue with the Future”, are combined online and offline. This summit is positioned as a platform for the release of my country’s informatization development policies, a platform for displaying the latest achievements in digital China construction, a platform for exchanging theoretical experience and practice in e-government and digital economy, and a cooperation platform that gathers global forces to boost the construction of digital China. It is expected that there will be 100 academicians. Experts and hundreds of digital industry leaders attended the conference to give speeches. More than 1,000 domestic and foreign enterprises, including central enterprises, private enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises, and multinational enterprises, participated in the exhibition on site, and more than 1,000 domestic and foreign digital professional institutions participated in the event. Video from July 22nd to 26th, at the Fuzhou Strait International Exhibition .
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