
A new generation of night vision devices is coming, Samsung releases 200 million pixel sensor HP3: mobile phone lens is thinner and lighter

The pixel competition of mobile phone images has reached the 200 million level. Samsung previously launched the ISOCELL HP1 sensor with 200 million pixels. Today, the official release of the ISOCELL HP3 sensor has reduced the pixel size from 0.64um to 0.56um.The camera module area is reduced by 20%, while supporting 16-in-1 pixel and full-pixel focusing,It is expected to become a new generation of mobile phone “night vision device”.

According to Samsung, the ISOCELL HP3 is 12% smaller in pixel size compared to the previous generation of Samsung’s 0.64-micron (μm) pixels, and contains 200 million pixels in a 1/1.4-inch optical format, which means the ISOCELL HP3 can reduce the number of cameras by 20% The module area allows smartphone manufacturers to ensure the thinness and lightness of their high-end products.

ISOCELL HP3 is equipped with a Super QPD autofocus solution, which means that all sensor pixels are equipped with autofocus.

In addition, the Super QPD autofocus technology can detect the horizontal and vertical phase difference on 4 adjacent pixels using a single lens, which enables the smartphone to autofocus more accurately and quickly.

It allows users to shoot 8K video at 30fps (Frames Per Second) or 4K at 120fps with less loss of field of view.

ISOCELL HP3 also provides a better low-light shooting experience. Through Tetra²pixel technology, 4 pixels can be combined into one, converting a 0.56 micrometer (μm) 200 million pixel sensor into a 1.12 micrometer (μm) 50 million pixel sensor; or 16 pixels can be combined into one, resulting in 2.24 micrometer (μm) 12.5 million pixels sensor.

A new generation of night vision devices is coming, Samsung releases 200 million pixel sensor HP3: mobile phone lens is thinner and lighter

This technology allows the sensor to simulate a large pixel sensor,Capture brighter, more vivid photos even in dark environments such as indoors or at night.

To maximize the dynamic range of mobile image sensors, ISOCELL HP3 features an improved Smart ISO Pro technology that combines image information from two conversion gains in low ISO mode and high ISO mode to produce HDR images.

A new generation of night vision devices is coming, Samsung releases 200 million pixel sensor HP3: mobile phone lens is thinner and lighter

The upgraded Smart ISO Pro technology features triple ISO modes (low, mid and high modes) to further enhance the dynamic range of the sensor.

In addition, it enables the sensor to render images in over 4 trillion colors (14-bit color depth), which is 64 times the 68.7 billion colors (12-bit) of its predecessor.

With single-frame progressive HDR (Staggered HDR) supported by intelligent ISO Pro technology, ISOCELL HP3 can switch between high and low ISO solutions according to the shooting environment to obtain high-quality HDR video.

Currently,Samsung ISOCELL HP3 samples are already on the market, and mass production is expected to start this year.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Xianruiarticle error correction

Hashtag: samsung sensor camera

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