
IT House news on June 23, according to a late LatePost report, on June 17,Liu Qiangdong reduced his holdings of JD.com worth about 279 million US dollars, or about 1.871 billion yuan. Previously, Liu Qiangdong successively reduced his holdings of JD Health worth more than 440 million Hong Kong dollars (about 376 million yuan) at the end of April and early May, respectively.

As of March 31, 2022, Liu Qiang Tokyo East holds 13.8% of the shares and has 76.1% of the voting rights. It is reported that this reduction will not affect his control over the company.

On April 7 this year, Jingdong Group announced that Xu Lei, President of Jingdong Group, will replace Liu Qiangdong as CEO of Jingdong Group, responsible for daily operation management. At the same time, Xu Lei will join the board of directors of Jingdong Group as an executive director. Liu Qiangdong will continue to serve as the chairman of the board of directors of Jingdong Group, and he will devote more energy to long-term strategic design, major strategic decision-making and deployment, training of young leading talents and rural revitalization.

IT House learned that Liu Qiangdong had actually stepped back from behind the scenes in 2018. Since last year, he has successively stepped down as legal representative, chairman or other executive positions of companies including JD Group, JD Digital, and JD Logistics, including 2021. He stepped down as president of JD.com in September and CEO of JD.com in April this year.

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