
from Sarah Petzold
In the opinion of many fans, Diablo Immortal is not only the worst Pay2Win, but has recently also had a completely different problem: players are complaining about an increasing flood of bots that are overrunning farm spots and spamming the chat.

Anyone who regularly plays online games can now almost set the clock to it: Whenever a new title with an online connection is released, complaints about bots and spam in the chat pile up within a very short time. This is exactly the case with Diablo Immortal, which has already drawn the anger of the fans because of its Pay2Win problem.

Blizzard is partly to blame

Players are currently reporting more and more sightings of bots in the game on Reddit, standing around in different places and literally beating up the air. Particularly popular areas in the game are sometimes overrun by large groups of bots that are supposed to grind loot or bounties. This sometimes takes on strange proportions when several bots in one place fire their spells and attacks into the void:

But the bot problem increases in Diablo Immortal another dimension: The bots also spam the chats in the game with advertising. Players report regular promotions of bot services. In view of the bot plague, this is not surprising in general, but it still and understandably causes displeasure among the fans.

Incidentally, the developers themselves have not yet officially commented on the bot problem in Diablo Immortal, even if they themselves are probably not entirely innocent. Because the Pay2Win mechanics and the grind, which is almost draconian for Free2Play players, should only drive frustrated players more into the arms of the bot providers than would have been the case with a fair monetization system.

Source: games radar

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