In an interview published by Dengeki Online, producer Naoki Yoshida has revealed that communication around the game and the release of its second trailer have been delayed by several months due to current events in Ukraine, which has been in armed conflict with Russia since the end of February. . Although it may seem difficult to draw a parallel between the conflicts that may exist between the six kingdoms of the continent of Valisthea and the situation between Ukraine and Russia, the international resonance of this war unleashed by Vladimir Putin has sown doubt in the minds of Square Enix but also those of the management of Sony.
“In fact, the trailer was ready to air in March, but at the same time, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine made the world situation unstable. Since the story of Final Fantasy 16 deals with a pretty heavy theme, I wondered if the second trailer would be really enjoyable for gamers if it came out at this time. When I shared this sentiment with SIE, they shared this concern. I have therefore decided to postpone its release after extensive discussions“, explains Naoki Yoshida. We know the sequel, the trailer for Final Fantasy 16 finally aired as a show stopper in the State of Play on June 2. If nothing comes to disturb the plans, the next trailer for the game will be unveiled this fall.
Shifting its communication according to international news is no longer uncommon in the video game industry. In 2020, in support of the movement Black Lives MatterSony Interactive Entertainment had for example shifted its conference Future of Gaming from June 4 to 11, slightly delaying the presentation of the first PS5 games. “While we understand you’re eager to see PS5 games, we don’t think now is the right time for that. For now, we are stepping back to allow more important voices to be heard“, had justified the manufacturer.
- Also Read | Final Fantasy 16 is full of new information
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