
Every successful businessman has his own secrets to achieving prosperity in business, but there are also universal recommendations that work for almost any person in any field of activity. Business Insider has put together a list of tips for success.

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one. It is not necessary to turn your favorite hobby into a job, but the job should be enthusiastic. If what you do will matter to you, working days will bring only pleasure.

2. If the job isn’t exciting, consider the benefits. For example, a decent salary or bonuses help provide for a family and this can be a great incentive.

3. Surround yourself with positive people and you will get positive results.

four. If you spend most of your time doing what you do best, you are more likely to be happy.

5. And vice versa. If the bulk of the time is spent correcting mistakes, the annoyance will accumulate.

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50 Universal Tips for Success in Business

6. Learn new skills, and during the learning process, be patient with yourself.

7. The only way to keep up with the times is to constantly learn something new.

eight. In the process of mastering new skills, be prepared for numerous beginner mistakes.

9. The more relaxed you are about your own mistakes, the faster you will learn something new.

ten. If you think change is needed, be the one to lead the change.

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50 Universal Tips for Success in Business

eleven. Start small and build up gradually.

12. Move from simple to complex.

13. Always try to improve yourself in all aspects – from technical skills to leadership qualities.

fourteen. The hardest part is knowing when to stop. Nobody can teach it. At some point, you have to make your own decision.

fifteen. If you really believe in what you are doing, have confidence in the result and know the methods to achieve it, believe in yourself and do not stop halfway, even if (especially if) others consider you insane.

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Tim Cook, CEO rating

16. Crazy is doing the same thing in the same way but expecting a different result. If the result is poor, make adjustments and try again.

17. Nobody becomes successful alone.

eighteen. Ask for help. Be specific about what kind of help you need, and when you get it, be grateful.

19. People perceive the world differently. Two people can attend the same conference and have different experiences. Use this to your advantage.

twenty. Don’t give up on variety. The best way to compensate for your own shortcomings is to choose a team with different strengths.

Sergey Brin

21. Treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don’t like them.

22. No matter how successful you are, there will always be someone more successful than you.

23. There will always be people who have achieved less than you.

24. You will never have all the resources (time, money, staff, etc.) needed to complete a project or run a company.

25. The lack of resources is not an excuse, but rather a nuisance that turned into a boon. In such cases, you will have to use a creative approach to problem solving.

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26. Creativity and innovation are skills that are formed and practiced by doing normal processes in a new way.

27. In the early stages of a career, company formation, or project development, you will need to approve many things. In the last stages, you will have to say no.

28. Negative feedback (in other words, criticism) is necessary. Do not reject it and do not take it as an absolute truth. Pick out the grains of truth and ignore the rest.

29. The same applies to positive reviews. Don’t accept (or reject) them automatically.

thirty. Don’t let other people’s opinions (positive or negative) affect your self-image. Treat such reviews as you would any other.

jeff bezos amazon

31. When you make criticisms, talk about the work and refrain from getting personal.

32. Think big. Dream big.

33. Treat your dream as a guide to life. It is not necessary to immediately turn the dream into reality, but in order to achieve it, you need to take many steps.

34. If you think big, you will hear “no” more often than “yes”. Don’t be influenced by the opinions of others, decide for yourself.

35. When you achieve positive results, you will have to redouble your efforts. Don’t pass up a chance, and the ability to manage with additional responsibility will come along the way.

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Ingvar Kamprad

36. If there is a secret to success, then it is this: tell others about your plans and use any methods possible to do this. The more people who understand the essence and purpose of your plans, the easier it will be to attract those who can help in the implementation of projects.

37. Expand your network of contacts. Meet new people and keep in touch with acquaintances.

38. It doesn’t matter what technology or service your company is working on. What matters is not the product, but the users and improving their quality of life. Focus on this aspect and your project is more likely to be successful.

39. No matter how huge the success, no one is immune from failure.

40. Don’t view failure as a bad thing. This is part of the process.

Warren Buffett

41. Take risks, but don’t take rash risks.

42. Don’t expect failure, but accept the possibility. The best way to win a big battle is to develop an alternative plan of action in case of failure.

43. In some cases, it will be necessary to drop caution and put everything on your idea. No one can tell when that moment will come. If you are sure – act.

44. Learn to say “no” firmly.

45. Say “yes” as often as possible.

Satya Nadella

46. In order to say “yes” more often, set boundaries or scope around your “yes”.

47. Getting what you want does not mean happiness. Happiness is the art of being content with what you already have.

48. Any work involves interaction with people with a complex character. Be polite, do your job well, and don’t let a difficult subject distract you from the project.

49. Concentrate on what you want.

fifty. If you really want to change the world, build influence and use it to bring about change. Do it openly and others will follow your lead.

Michael Dell

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