
Players who have unopened loot boxes in “Overwatch” will not be able to transfer them unopened to the launch of “Overwatch 2”. New information was also shared about the currency.

Blizzard Entertainment has explained what will happen to Overwatch users’ unopened loot boxes once Overwatch 2 hits Early Access in October.

There will be no simple move of the loot boxes to the new part, which is simply because “Overwatch 2” does not support loot boxes. However, no content escapes the owners.

“We will be providing a more detailed explanation on all of these topics before Overwatch 2 releases in October. But to give you a quick answer right now, existing currencies (credits, OWL tokens, and Contest Points) will be coming with Overwatch 2,” said Jon Spector, the franchise’s commercial director, in a statement.

Loot boxes will open automatically

Regarding the loot boxes, he explained: “We will not introduce loot boxes in Overwatch 2. And before launch, any unopened loot crates will be automatically opened and all of their contents applied directly to your account.”

But how can the “Overwatch” currency be used further? Here’s the short version: Overwatch credits carry over into Overwatch 2. However, the new virtual currency will be the main currency. And there will be things in the new shooter that cannot be bought with the credits from the first part.

Blizzard plans to offer seasonal updates to Overwatch 2 every nine weeks. There are also Battle Passes with new heroes, game modes, maps and cosmetics. Also, players will be able to purchase items through a new “constantly updated” in-game shop.

More Overwatch 2 news:

Overwatch 2 will be released on October 4th, 2022 via Early Access for PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One. Before that, players can play from June 28, 2022 Join a beta on PC and consoles. In it, they can slip into the role of the new tank hero Junker Queen and experience a new map.

More Overwatch 2 news.

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