
Minecraft, which many consider a metaverse in its own right, will it take it a step further and embrace NFTs? The question has been asked enough to the Mojang studio, creator of the game and owned by Microsoft, for the latter to provide a clear and clear answer: no.

NFTs in Minecraft are not ” generally not something we support or allow “, announces the Mojang studio on its blog. The company owned by Microsoft adds that the guide to the principles of use will specify that blockchain technologies cannot be integrated into Minecraft. No question of creating and selling NFTs from in-game content, whether skins, items or mods.

Exclusion and rarity

And to explain this rejection of the blockchain and NFTs, Mojang argues that these technologies are based on logics “ of exclusion and rarity “that don’t match” to the Minecraft values ​​of creative inclusion and playing together “. Non-fungible tokens could also end up costing players who buy them, as they depend on a blockchain that could disappear without notice.

Difficult to make more clear. And this fear is not just wind: in January, an NFT project called Blockverse, supposedly built on the universe of Minecraft, defrauded investors of $1.2 million. The creators of the project took the money and deleted their Blockverse and all related social networks.

Mojang does not completely close the door to the blockchain, however, but the studio has no intention of implementing it in Minecraft at present. Microsoft therefore marks a clear break with a part of the video game industry that is clearly interested in NFTs, like Ubisoft, Konami and others. But Minecraft, which has more than 140 million active players, especially young people, will not be absorbed into this spiral.

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